The post where I admit I might have goofed.

Howdy! So this is a post where I admit I might have f*cked up a bit.

Let me start by saying that I love The Dropped Stitch Series—it’s the first book I ever published, and it was quite the learning journey. There are so many of you that love that story as is, but I realized in the process of writing and editing Bubble Babes that I could do better.

There’s always been a few more editing errors in TDS than I liked, it was a combination of not really understanding the editing process well and just general newbie author nonsense.

I also think that having my debut novel be a novella mini series instead of waiting to complete the three part series and a novel wasn’t my best idea. I jumped the gun and just wanted to get something out ASAP—but people didn’t love having to wait for the next installment and the two cliffhangers part one and two left them on.

So, on the heels of All I Wanted Was Sushi But I Got Abducted By Aliens Instead release I’ve decided to pull them.

I’ll be releasing all three parts as a full length novel in 2023.

How will the omnibus (a fancy word for a compilation of works in a series) be different than the novellas that are currently out? Let me tell you!

  • Better editing all around. I’ve found an editor and system that works great for me (and what I did for Bubble Babes) and I can’t wait to polish the works so many of you already love.

  • A switch from past tense to present tense. I find that I write so much more easily in present tense and find it so much more engaging to read.

  • Enhanced details and story telling. Although the story will remain the same, on rereads for my there are things that I really want to go more in detail with. Things about Cordelia’s hometown, relationships between the Summer court siblings, ect. You won’t be losing anything, but only gaining enriching details.

  • MORE ART! I have full blown character portraits coming for all our POV characters. They are beautiful and done by an amazing artist, I can’t wait!

  • Hardback, paperback, and book boxes. Since TDS will be a full length novel, a hardback will make sense. Also I’ve got some great plans for book boxes once the omnibus is released!

Also, for those of you who have physical copies of the novella, don’t worry, I’ll still do a novella sized option for part three so you can complete your collections.

I know that pulling a work after publication is never ideal, but I truly believe the work produced will be worth it!

If you’re looking for a Petra fix make sure to preorder All I Wanted Was Sushi But I Got Abducted By Aliens Instead at Barnes And Nobles and Amazon.






As a writer, I sure am averse to blogging.